Frequently Asked Questions
we are ready to provide answers of querries in our customers mind. AP Cloud certification tends to provide services to make clients happy and satisfied.
What do we understand by ISO standards?
ISO refers to the International Organization for Standardization. These standards are highly technical and are developed by National Standards Institute of some 130 countries including India, with a central office in Geneva, Switzerland, that coordinates the system and publishes the finished standards.
What is ISO 9001:2015?
ISO 9001:2015 is a model for Quality Management System (QMS) which is a revised version of ISO 9001: 1994 revised in Dec.2000 and 2015.With effect of this ISO has withdrawn old series of ISO 9001, 9002, 9003.
ISO 9001 standard is very generic in nature and is applicable for all type of organizations whether manufacturing or service regardless of its type of business.
What are the steps involved in ISO certification?
ISO certification is carried out in two phases; one is the design, documentation & implementation of quality management system and other is the certification. Documentation consists of quality manual, quality plans & procedures, work instructions and records. While certification is carried out by a third party certification body accredited for certification.
If I start today how much time will it take to get my firm certified?
The usual time is 1 months depending upon the size and complexity of the system. RL: Contact: [email protected]/ [email protected] / IC0-05
Who prepares for the design, documentation & implementation of QMS with respect to ISO requirements?
The best way to start is to do a Gap analysis of existing management system with respect to the requirements of ISO 9001. The common experience is to hire a consultant who has the requisite experience in Gap Analysis, designing & effective implementation of documentation in compliance with the ISO standards.
What are the average expenses that a small unit incurs for the certification?
The expenses depend upon the No. of criterion like manpower, locations, size of the co. etc. Usually Firms with 15-25 employees with single location spend around Rs. 50 Thousand to Rs. 35 Thousand cumulative of both Consultancy and finally the ISO certification in hand.
Does certification need additional manpower to implement and maintain the system?
No, it does not require any additional manpower, the work is carried out with the available resources and one M. R. of the company besides this consultant trains the employees for the post implementation of the system.
What are the Advantages of ISO 9001:2015?
Advantages Of ISO 9001:2015: -
Improved Outcome Of Process
Professional Image
Increased Customer Confidence
Better Marketability.
Clarity Of Responsibility And Authority
Better And Defined System
Consistent Quality
Control On Out Soused Processes